The company’s business name

A company operates and participates in legal transactions under a business name, which it had registered in accordance with the registration act. By the provisions of Articles 22 to 30 of the Companies Act are regulated elements of the business name (mandatory, optional and prohibited), the language and alphabet of the business name, as well as rules for its usage and protection.

Mandatory Elements of the Business Name

A business name shall contain the company name, legal form and place of the company seat.

The company name is a characteristic part of the business name which differentiates that company from other companies. Continue reading The company’s business name

Foreign association’s representative office

An foreign association’s representative office represents an form of organization of a foreign or international non-governmental non-profit association having its head office on the territory of the Republic of Serbia.

The status and operations of foreign associations are regulated by the provisions of the Law on Associations.

For the purposes of the Law on Associations, a foreign association shall be any association that has its head office in another state and is established under that state’s regulations in order to pursue a shared or general interest or goal and carries out activities that are not geared at making profit as well as any international association or another side or international non-governmental organization which has members that have associated on a voluntary basis in order to pursue a shared or general interest or goal not geared at making profit. Continue reading Foreign association’s representative office

Reasons for termination of employment relation

According to the provisions of the Labour Law an employment relation shall be terminated:

  • after the expiry of the period it was concluded for
  • when an employee reaches the age of 65 and a minimum of 15 social insurance years, unless otherwise agreed between the employer and the employee
  • by an agreement between the employee and the employer
  • by notice of cancellation of employment contract by the employer or the employee
  • at the request of a parent or guardian of an employed minor under 18 years of age
  • in the event of death of the employed
  • in other cases specified by the law.

Employment relation of an employee shall terminate independently of his intent and the intent of the employer: