Measures of protection from unfair competiton according to Foreign Trade Act

Foreign Trade Act (“Off. Herald of RS”, Nos. 36/2009, 36/2011 – other act, 88/2011 and 89/2015 – other act) contains certain protection against unfair competition in a broader sense. In this sense by this law shall be predicted that the Government of the Republic of Serbia may prescribe the following measures of protection:

  1. Antidumping measures
  2. Compensatory measures
  3. Measures for the protection against excessive importing
  4. Measures for the protection of the balance of payments equilibrium.

Antidumping Measures

For the purposes of the Foreign Trade Act (“Off. Herald of RS”, Nos. 36/2009, 36/2011 – other act, 88/2011 and 89/2015 – other act): Continue reading Measures of protection from unfair competiton according to Foreign Trade Act

Foreign trade in goods according to the provisions of Foreign Trade Act

The basic rules of foreign trade in goods were established by the provisions of Foreign Trade Act (“Off. Herald of RS”, Nos. 36/2009, 36/2011 – other act, 88/2011 and 89/2015 – other act) (hereinafter: Foreign Trade Act).

A foreign trade involving an individual type of goods and services may be regulated separately in keeping with the World Trade Organization rules and the European Union regulations.

Also terms of export, import and transit of goods are defined by the provisions of Foreign Trade Act as follows:

  • The export of goods is carrying out, sending, i.e. delivery of goods from the territory of the Republic of Serbia to the territory of another state or customs territory, in accordance with customs regulations of the Republic of Serbia.
  • The import of goods is carrying in, supplying, i.e. delivering goods from the territory of another state or customs territory to the territory of the Republic of Serbia, in accordance with customs regulations of the Republic of Serbia.
  • The transit of goods is the crossing of goods through the customs territory of the Republic of Serbia, in accordance with customs regulations of the Republic of Serbia. Continue reading Foreign trade in goods according to the provisions of Foreign Trade Act

Capital transactions according to Law on foreign currency transactions

According to the provisions of Law on Foreign Currency Transactions (“Official Herald of the Republic of Serbia”, Nos. 62/2006, 31/2011, 119/2012, 139/2014 and 30/2018) capital transactions shall be transactions between residents and non-residents and the purpose of which is the transfer of capital.

Capital transactions shall be the following:

  • Direct investments
  • Investments in real estate
  • Transactions with securities
  • Transactions with financial derivatives
  • Transactions with investment and voluntary pension funds
  • Credit facility operations
  • Guarantee transactions
  • Deposit operations
  • Operations based on insurance contract in line with the law governing insurance
  • Unilateral transfers of means of payment (personal and physical). Continue reading Capital transactions according to Law on foreign currency transactions