Foreign Trade Act (“Off. Herald of RS”, Nos. 36/2009, 36/2011 – other act, 88/2011 and 89/2015 – other act) contains certain protection against unfair competition in a broader sense. In this sense by this law shall be predicted that the Government of the Republic of Serbia may prescribe the following measures of protection:
- Antidumping measures
- Compensatory measures
- Measures for the protection against excessive importing
- Measures for the protection of the balance of payments equilibrium.
Antidumping Measures
For the purposes of the Foreign Trade Act (“Off. Herald of RS”, Nos. 36/2009, 36/2011 – other act, 88/2011 and 89/2015 – other act): Continue reading Measures of protection from unfair competiton according to Foreign Trade Act