The Labour Inspectorate carries out inspection in the field of safety and health at work and labor relations over the implementation of the Labour Law, the Law on Safety and Health at Work, the Law on Protection of Population from Exposure to Tobacco Smoke, the Law on Prevention of Harassment at Work, the Law on Business Companies (in part which is in relation to safety and health at work), the Law on Strike, the general collective agreement, collective agreements (specific and individual), general acts and the employment contracts which regulating the rights, obligations and responsibilities of employees in organizations, legal entities and other forms of organization, as well as in institutions.
In addition to laws, the labor inspectorate performs supervision and over the application of the other measures and standards of health and safety at work, technical measures related to safety and health at work, standards and generally accepted measures in the part which regulates the issues of safety and health at work. Continue reading Labour inspection – jurisdiction and inspection