Procedure for issuance, extension, revocation and cessation of validity of work permit for foreigners in Serbia

The procedure of issuance, extension, revocation and cessation of the validity of a work permit for foreigners in Serbia shall be regulated by the provisions of the Foreign Nationals Employment Act (“Off. Herald of RS”, Nos. 128/2014, 113/2017, 50/2018 and 31/2019).

The organization competent for employment affairs, performing such activities as entrusted activities following the law governing general administrative procedure, issues decisions in the procedure of issuance, extension, revocation and cessation of the validity of a work permit unless specific issues are regulated otherwise by the Foreign Nationals Employment Act (“Off. Herald of RS”, Nos. 128/2014, 113/2017, 50/2018 and 31/2019) or the act governing the residence of foreign nationals.

The organization competent for employment affairs keeps the record of data relevant to the issuance of decisions under the Foreign Nationals Employment Act (“Off. Herald of RS”, Nos. 128/2014, 113/2017, 50/2018 and 31/2019), per the principles of protection of personal data, efficacy, efficiency, conscientiousness, and responsibility.

The territorially competent organizational unit of the organization qualified for employment affairs, as defined by articles of association, rules in the first instance in the procedure for the issuance, extension, revocation and cessation of the validity of a work permit and an appeal may be lodged against the decree which was ruled in the first instance. The minister competent for employment affairs issued the final decree on the appeal. An administrative dispute may be instituted against the final decree in accordance with the law. Continue reading Procedure for issuance, extension, revocation and cessation of validity of work permit for foreigners in Serbia

Establishment and work of an Employment Agency

Conditions for establishment and work of an employment agency shall be regulated by the Law on Employment and Unemployment Insurance (“Off. Herald of RS”, Nos. 36/2009, 88/2010, 38/2015, 113/2017, 113/2017 – other Act and 49/2021), as well as by the Regulation on Requirements in Terms of Space and Technical Equipment for the Work of an Employment Agency, the Conditions of Professional Qualification of Employees, Program, Content and Manner of Taking an Exam for the Work in Employment (“Off. Herald of RS”, Nos. 98/2009, 100/2012, 65/2014,11/2018, 86/2019 – other Act and 64/2021).

Activity of an Employment Agencies

An employment agency may be founded by legal or natural entities for the purpose of conducting employment affairs, namely:

  • Dissemination of information on employment opportunities and conditions
  • Jobmatching within the country and internationally
  • Vocational guidance and career counseling
  • Implementation of particular active employment policy measures, based on a contract with the National Employment Service.

Continue reading Establishment and work of an Employment Agency