Definition and characteristics of annuity

In obligation law the annuity is understood as a form of compensation for damages whose total amount is not known at the time of making the request and it shall be paid periodically in predetermined amounts. Typically material damage that will be realized in the future is compensated by annuity.

The basis for the establishment of annuity claims is contained in the realization of the objective circumstances of unexpected adverse event.

The annuity has the following main features:

Enforceable and credible document as ground for rendering of decision on execution

Provisions of the Law on Enforcement and Security Interest regulate the procedure in which courts and public enforcement officers conduct the compulsory collection of enforceable creditors’ claims based on enforceable and credible documents(enforcement proceedings), the procedure for putting a lien on claims and the status of public enforcement officers.

Enforcement proceedings and security interest proceedings are initiated by a judgment creditor filing a motion for the enforcement based on enforceable or credible document or a motion for security interest, or ex officio only when so provided for by the law.

A court decides on the motion for enforcement based on enforceable or credible document and on the motion for security interest. Continue reading Enforceable and credible document as ground for rendering of decision on execution