Entrepreneur or company

Status and position of the entrepreneur and the company is governed by the provisions of the Law on Companies.

The entrepreneur, according to the provisions of Article 83 of the Law on Companies, is definied as a natural person with full capacity who is registered in the Business Entities Register and is engaged in a business activity for the purpose of profit generation.

Entrepreneur or company

Also the entrepreneur in terms of the Law on Companies, shall be a natural person registered with a special register who carries on a professional activity governed by a special regulation, if this is provided by such regulation. Continue reading Entrepreneur or company

The establishment of Ltd from labour relation

The establishment of Ltd from labour relation can be analyzed from aspect of company law and from aspect of labor law.

The establishment of Ltd from labour relation from aspect of company law

From the aspect of company law the existence of the labour relation with the founder is not relevant to the establishment of Ltd. The establishment of Ltd will be registered by the Serbian Business Registers Agency if the founder, who is a natural person, deliver to the Serbian Business Registers Agency photocopy of identity card, if he/she is the domestic citizen or a photocopy of the passport, if he/she is a foreigner, while at the same time on the establishment of Ltd shall not affect the existence of the status of the labour relation with the founder. Continue reading The establishment of Ltd from labour relation

Registration of the representative office in Serbia

Registration of the representative office in Serbia – the legal framework

The legal position of the representative office of a foreign company in the Republic of Serbia as well as the registration of a representative office in Serbia, are regulated by the provisions of articles 574-577 of the Companies Act (RS Official Gazette, Nos. 36/2011, 99/2011 and 83/2014 – other law, 5/2015, 44/2018, 95/2018, 91/2019 and 109/2021), the Law on the Registration Procedure in the Agency for Business Registers (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 99/2011, 83/ 2014, 31/2019 and 105/2021) and the Rulebook on the content of the Business Entities Register and documents required for registration (RS Official Gazette, No. 42/2016).

The Companies Act with provisions of article 574. paragraph 1 define the representative office as a separate organisational unit of a foreign company that may carry out preliminary and preparatory work leading to the conclusion of a transaction by that company.

Continue reading Registration of the representative office in Serbia