Reasons for termination of employment relation

According to the provisions of the Labour Law an employment relation shall be terminated:

  • after the expiry of the period it was concluded for
  • when an employee reaches the age of 65 and a minimum of 15 social insurance years, unless otherwise agreed between the employer and the employee
  • by an agreement between the employee and the employer
  • by notice of cancellation of employment contract by the employer or the employee
  • at the request of a parent or guardian of an employed minor under 18 years of age
  • in the event of death of the employed
  • in other cases specified by the law.

Employment relation of an employee shall terminate independently of his intent and the intent of the employer:

Factoring contract

Factoring shall be a financial service of buying and selling of existing non matured or future short-term monetary receivable, that arose from a contract of sale of goods or provision of services at home and abroad.

Participants in factoring shall be:

  • The assignor, who sells to the factor its receivable against the debtor that arose from a contract of sale of goods or provision of services, shall be a bank, a company or an entrepreneur based in the Republic of Serbia, and also those persons with headquarters abroad, registered in accordance with the local regulations
  • The factor, who buys receivables from the assignor, shall be:
    a bank, in terms of the law governing the operations of banks
    a company organized as a corporation or limited liability company, headquartered in the Republic of Serbia, which has the approval of the ministry responsible for finance affairs to perform factoring
    a foreign bank or a foreign company – exclusively in international factoring
  • The debtor shall be a bank, a company or an entrepreneur based in the Republic of Serbia, or such persons domiciled abroad, registered in accordance with the local regulation. Continue reading Factoring contract

Change of an employment contract – Annex to the employment contract

Annex to the employment contract may be concluded under the conditions stipulated by the provisions of Articles 171 to 174 of the Labor Law.

An employer may offer to an employee a change of the stipulated work conditions respectively annex to the employment contract:

  • in order to make transfer to another appropriate job, necessitated by the process and the organisation of work
  • in order to make transfer to another place at the same employer, in conformity with Article 173 of the Labour Law.

According to the provisions of Article 173 of the Labour Law an employee may be transferred to another place of work:

  • where activity of the employer is of such a nature that the work is performed in places outside employer’s registered office, and/or his organisational part
  • if the distance from the employee’s place of work to the place he is going to be transferred to is less than 50 kilometers, and if regular transportation is organised that makes possible timely arrival to work and return from work, and if transportation cost refund is provided for in the amount of the price of public transportation passenger ticket.
    An employee may be transferred to another place of work in the cases not prespecified only after his consent.
  • for the purpose of assigning to an appropriate job with another employer, in conformity with Article 174 of the Labour Law. Continue reading Change of an employment contract – Annex to the employment contract